- Feb 16, 2024
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*“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can”*
These magical words by the yesteryear’s Swiss Author, Paul Tournier, became the driving force for the *Interhouse Robotics Competition*, held at GD Goenka Public School, Indore on *16th February 2024*. Students of *grades VI to IX* participated in the competition, belonging to *Vivekanand, Tagore, Radhakrishnan and Teresa houses*. The *robotic projects* chosen for the competition were *robotic bicycle, revolving crane, hydraulic racing car & hank crank generator*, for grades VI, VII, VIII & IX, respectively. *Two students from each house* were allowed to participate in the competition.
After a riveting *half-an hour contest* between all the houses, students of *Radhakrishnan house emerged as the winners*, due to their swiftness in completing their robotic model and quick-witted answers for the questionnaire, conducted by the judges *Mrs Vidhi Bhadoriya & Mr Ruchir Sharma*. *Tagore house* and *Vivekanand house* secured second and third positions