- Apr 04, 2024
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The very first Life Skills Clubs’ meeting was conducted for grades III-V on 04.04.2024. The four club options that the students chose from were: Wordsmith Club, Wildlife Club, 3 R’s Club (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and Manners and Etiquettes Club.
This first meeting served as an inaugural gathering to establish club membership, introduce the clubs’ objectives, outline classroom rules, and initiate a fun activity to orient the students about the club. The students were introduced to their club incharges and briefed about the main purposes of the clubs and how they’ll be fulfilled in the upcoming meetings. The students also took the initiative to discuss what they were looking forward to learning from the clubs. A game of vocabulary was played in the Wordsmith Club as well which got an overwhelming response from the students. The children seemed to really enjoy the clubs and look forward to nex Thursday for the next Life Skills Clubs’ meeting.