SCHOOL POLICY - Best CBSE School In Indore


‘Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.’

Students are made aware by enlisting certain possible consequences if they make a poor choice. This assists them in figuring out how to deal with a particular situation. Being fair is very important as one makes disciplined decisions, but there are many factors that go into that situation that bring problem solving and leadership qualities at the forefront. A fair adherence to discipline and stated regulations establishes trust and fosters the required attitude.



In order for an institution to encourage higher learning, goals are set forth by the school board. The school adheres to such norms and pledges to address them in the due course of education. They help schools and educators address the concerns of the public and help relate education to the community and make it responsible for the larger world.
Accountability through the use of goal-oriented policies ensures that students are receiving a valuable education.



‘Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.’ Clashes happen in and around communities’ people talk and share variations. There is no denying that not every student will get along with every other student. Conflict does happen, but it should never get physical. Too many negative things can occur when students engage in a physical fight. Having a policy on intolerance to violence encourages students to with tough consequences which will help deter many fights from occurring.



No times have ever witnessed such an urgent need to have an effective bullying policy. Students across the globe are affected by bullying every single day. The number of bullying incidents only continue to increase each year. We hear about students dropping out of school or taking their lives because of bullying all too often. The school considers its prevention and believes bullying education should be a top priority. Strict measures are taken considering the basic right of individual freedom and social harmony.



The school strictly prohibit the usage of cell phones during the process of education. The valuable educational tool can lead to unwanted consequences and such paths of learning that may make the circumstance challenging for future learners. The school considers it essential that their usage is monitored for students as well the staff in order to ensure unhindered preparation for future.



Students, teachers and staff members deserve to feel physically and psychologically secure in their environment. In order to create this environment, secure environment is created and instated safety standards are followed. CCTV surveillance, disaster management protocol establishment of safety standards for the physical environment and consideration of mental state of students and staff is rigorously followed. This is done by creating policies such as fire drills, anti-bullying policies and mental health guidelines and organizing several workshops around them.


  • Every student should carry the Almanac to the School daily.
  • Students who come to the School on their own should arrive at the School five minutes before the bell rings.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The School uniform must be worn on all working days.
  • Girls should not apply nail polish or mehndi during school session. Nails to be trimmed at least once a week.
  • Non-Sikh boys should get the hair trimmed at regular intervals.
  • It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the School. Girls can wat very small studs or earrings.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones /ipods, cameras etc. to the School Campus. These gadgets, if found in possession of the students within the School Campus, will be confiscated.
  • The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on the blazer and all other belongings of the student.
  • Changing classrooms between periods, where necessary, should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
  • Shouting, loud talking or whistling is not allowed in the school. Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or charts or damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Vice Principal. Any damage caused will have to be made good by the parents of the students(s) concerned.
  • The School reserves the right to suspend/ expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the School.
  • Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendors outside the School premises.
  • Students are allowed to carry Rs. 50-to buy refreshments from the cafeteria. The children need not carry their water bottles since the School is providing mineral water. For reasons of safety and security, bringing tiffin boxes into the School Campus later, through drivers/domestic helps will not be permitted.
  • Each student should have 2 Identity Cards with his/her photograph, One has to be worn by the child daily and the other to be kept with the parents. Those who are coming to pick up the student from the school/bus stop must always bring the School Identity Card for identification Students are not allowed to use the School telephone without the
    permission of the Principal. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
  • Parents are requested not to visit their wards in the classrooms without the permission of the Principal/Vice Principal. You are encouraged to communicate with the teachers through the Almanac on a regular basis to monitor the performance of your ward. Requests for meeting teachers on School days other than on PTM days, will not be entertained. If necessary, prior approval of the Principal/Vice Principal must be obtained.
  • Appointment with Dentists / Doctors or others should, as far as possible, be avoided sharing School hours. Such requests for early leave will not normally be entertained.


  •  If a child has to be withdrawn from the School, at least one month notice in writing is required. In case of failure to do so, one month fee will be charged.
  • Caution Money, if any, will be refunded at the time of withdrawal of the child from the school on production of the Caution Money Deposit Receipt along with an application on the prescribed form, provided all school dues have been paid in full or settled satisfactorily. Refund of Caution Money will have to be claimed within a year of the date of withdrawal of the child from the School…
  • Transfer Certificates shall be issued only when the Accounts Office receives the duly completed clearance form.


  1. Students must strive for 100% attendance. Special merit points and Awards will be given to students having 100% attendance from every class.
  2. Every student is expected to maintain an attendance record of at least 90% during the academic year failing which he/she may not be allowed to sit in the annual examination.
  3. A proper leave application must be submitted in writing by the parent to the Principal, in case of absence. This should be supported by a medical certificate in case of sick leave for more than 3 days. If a child had been suffering from a communicable disease, he/she would be allowed to attend the School only after production of a fitness certificate from a qualified doctor.
  4. Repeated absence without permission or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/ her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal
  5. Parents should fill up the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day the student is absent from school, stating the reasons for absence.
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