Art speaks where words are unable to explain”

06 May

Art speaks where words are unable to explain”

Since the earliest times when humans drew images on the walls of the caves, art has been our means of recording our human experience and of making sense of our world.

Children develop creative skills through art and carry them towards new ideas, new experiences and new challenges. An inter- house Wall Graffiti Competition – WAR ON WALLS was held for the students of grade IX to XII on 29th April 2022.Each house created beautiful wall art on theme- Fictional Characters.

The Goenkans were given a wall beside the art room and their work really enhanced the beauty of the wall. A healthy competition was organized to boost up their creative exercise to identify their expression and elicit in them a sense of responsibility. 

Students have participated actively and enthusiastically and very well executed their talents. 

The contest saw an amazing display of children’s imagination and hidden skills to exhibit their house extraordinarily.

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